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Session on e waste

16th December, 2016

The world being more and more dependent upon the use of technology and e-resources, we are not only progressing forward but also incurring for ourselves troubles associated with it.
More use of e-resources means more generation of e-waste which is very harmful to the environment. The irony of the situation is that most of us using e-resources are unaware of the concept of e-waste and the dreading effect it might have on our surroundings.
To generate awareness amongst the young students of Choithram International a session was arranged in the school premises on 16th December where Dr. Fazal, whose venture—unique Eco-Recycler is a state government authorized official recycler unit which recycles e-waste in the safest manner was invited to the school and briefed us on what is e-waste, how are we currently contributing to harmful pollution caused by it by selling it to the scrap collectors, and how we can prevent that by recycling e-waste in an effective manner.
This session was an eye-opener for all of us and we pledged to recycle e-waste in most fruitful and environmental friendly way.
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