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31st January, 2017

With loads of excitement and enthusiasm, the students of DP-1 celebrated TOK day on 31st January 2017. DP-1 had a lot of exciting events and activities planned for their juniors which would give them a basic idea of what TOK is. Perspective and critical thinking was the theme of this TOK day. There was an activity based upon 6 thinking hats where the classes were divided into groups and then given a situation and a hat. Based upon the hat they would have to analyze the situation. This helped them in inculcating the art of critical thinking. The next activity that we had in line for them was showing them movie clips and asking them to analyze it based own their own perspectives. It made them take other people’s perspective in consideration and further know how to respect them. It even helped them know the different AOK’S (areas of knowing) and how to use them in their daily lives. Even the students of DP-1 learnt quite a lot while organizing these activities. They inculcated many IB learner profiles such as creative thinking and being reflective. They became good communicators and somewhere down the line learned how to be principled. By organizing the assembly the students even became risk takers. DP-1 students were very much excited to put their plan into action.


~Parul Tambe
“ The important thing is to not stop questioning , curiosity has its own reason for
existing. “
~Albert Einstein
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