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Welcome Assembly

Heralding A New Phase Of The Odyssey

5th July, 2016

The new session for DP students was expected to be a bit dull, as everyone was not quite so eager to return back to school. However, with a grand Welcome Assembly, the teachers lifted off all the drowsiness of the students and gave them a fresh start to the academic year. With the DPC’s encouraging and inspiring speech, students were inclined on realizing their future dreams and achieving their goals. Teachers sang several motivation-based songs and lifted the spirits of students. Our very own,Swati Modh of DP-2 was also dancing to the rhythm and adding a beautiful backdrop to an already melodious choir. Shweta Madam’s song was a  prestige in itself, and how can we forget, her cited bibliography from “Tinkerbell”. All of us found the assembly to be opening up the door to realization  that these two years are crucial and that hard work is the true key to success. We all look forward to challenging but gratifying new session, with a lot to do and a lot to achieve.

~Naman Jain


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