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Daly College Youth Parliament

24-26 June, 2016

Exhilarating debate, red faces, long concrete bills and roaring applauds. The last day of the Daly College Youth Parliament was a short and bitter battle. Members of Parliament endlessly thwarted attacks, fired chits around the committee room in hope of making new last minute alliance and the executive board struggled to keep the committees in parliamentary decorum. With over 16 hours of debate and lobbying, actively defended proposals and newly forged alliances, every committee managed to pass a comprehensive bill. The 10th  Lok Sabha was plagued with reforms while the US senate realigned the foreign policy towards the Middle East and the Constituent Assembly redrew the borders of India. The Futuristic National Security Council was baffled with the ultimatum of Chinese government while the Ad Hoc Committee on Women reached consensus in-spite of fundamentally diverse ideologies of its members. The conference came to an end with Sujay Jain securing the Best Delegate Award , Smrutam Barpanda bagging the honorable mention, Rajvardan Sisodia grabbing a special mention and Rusheek Rawal receiving a verbal mention. All the seven delegates definitely left the conference with cherishable memories, well deserved awards and new insights into the functioning of democracies around the world.

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